Monday 27 October 2014

What is Structure and Explain Structure Syntax?



--> A "Structure" is a "Collection of related elements", possibly of "different types", having a "single name".

-->A Structure is a collection of related data elements of different data types having a single name.

-->Each element in a structure is called a "field".

-->A "field" is a smallest element of named data that has meaning. It has many of the characteristics of the variables, we have been using in our programs.

                Consider the book database consisting of book name, author, no. of pages and price
we define a structure to hold this information as follows:

-->The General "syntax" of structure definition as follows

                                      struct structure-name
                                                    datatype         member 1;
                                                    datatype         member 2;
                                                    datatype         member 3;
                                                    datatype         member n;

--> Here "struct" is a "keyword", which tells the compiler that a structure is being defined.

--> member 1, member 2, member 3 ------------- member n are known as the members of the structure and are declared inside curly braces.

--> There should be a "semicolon" at the end of the curly braces. These members can be of any datatype like int, char, float, array, pointer, or another structure type.

--> "structure-name" is the name of the structure and it is used further in the program to declare variables of this structure type.

--> Definition of a structure provides "one more datatype" in addition to the built in data types . We can declare variables of this new datatype that will have the format of the defining structure.

--> The definition of a structure does not reserve any space in memory for the member.

--> Space is reserved only when actual variables of this structure type are declared.


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