Wednesday 24 December 2014

Virtusa 2015 Placement Papers, Selection Process and Written Test Pattern

Selection Procedure 2015:

1) Online Test

 --> Online Test Contains Two Sections 
           Section 1: 40 Technical Questions - 40 Minutes(SE/Java/UML/SQL)
           Section 2: Java Program- 30 Minutes(Java/C++)

2) Technical Interview

          Mostly asked from Java, Software Engineering and Java.

3) Group Discussion

          General Topics like: Pollution, Google.

4) HR Interview

          Once you cleared the GD Round Almost you are 90% placed in Virtusa.

2014 December Written Test Paper:

1) SDLC stands for
    a) Software Development Life Cycle.
    b) System Development Life Cycle
    c) Software Deployment Life Cycle
    d) All of the above

Ans: a

2) Use Case Diagrams have
   a) Actions and Use cases
   b) Actors and Use Cases
   c) Classes and Use Cases
   d) Relationships and Actors

Ans: b

3) What is the Output of the following piece of code

       if("String".trim( ) == "String".trim( ))
               System.out.println("Not Equal");
  a) Compilation Error.
  b) No Compilation Error, Prints Output as "Equal"
  c) No Compilation Error, Prints Output as "Not Equal"
  d) Runtime Error

Ans: b

4) Insert elements and deletes elements from one end not in the middle
  a) Queues
  b) Arrays
  c) Pointers
  d) Stacks

Ans: d

5) Which Statement is used to Retrieve the from the Table
  a) Retrieve
  b) Extract
  c) Select
  d) None

Ans: c

6) What is the Output of the following Code Snippet

class demo
       int a=10;
       public static void main(String args[])
   a) Prints Output as 10
   b) Compiletime Error
   c) Runtime Error
   d) None

Ans: b

7) A Library has books is considered for
   a) b
   b) Realization
   c) Association
   d) None

Ans: a

8) Which of the following is not the required condition for Binary Search Algorithm
   a) The list must be sorted.
   b) There should be direct access to the middle element in any sub list
   c) There must be mechanism to delete and/or insert elements in list
   d) None

Ans: c
9) RUP(Rational Unified Process) Phases are
   a) Construction, implementation, Deployment and Requirements Gathering
   b) Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition
   c) Analysis, Design, Planning, Implementation and Maintenance

Ans: b

10) How to reduce errors in coding
   a) By Unit testing
   b) By Code review and Unit Testing
   c) By Whitebox Testing
   d) None

Ans: a

11) Who will tests the Software Code
   a) System Analyst
   b) Quality Assurance Team
   c) By Developer
   d) By Software Engineer

Ans: a

12) SELECT statement follows
    a) Table Name
    b) Number of Columns or * followed by Table Name
    c) Table Name Followed by Number of Columns
    d) None

Ans: b

13) can't Non-Homogeneous Elements are not Stored in
   a) Arrays
   b) Pointers
   c) Records
   d) None

Ans: a

14) What Does SQL Stands for
   a) Strongly Query Language
   b) Structured Query Language
   c) System Query Language
   d) Static Query Language

Ans: b

15) Binary Search algorithm can not be applied to
   a) Sorted linked list
   b) Sorted binary trees
   c) Sorted linear array
   d) Pointer array

Ans: a

16) TRUNCATE is used to
    a) Delete the table
    b) Remove matches rows in table using WHERE Clause
    c) Remove all rows in table without using WHERE Clause
    d) None

Ans: c

17) Java Exceptions are in
   a) Java.Exception
   b) Java.lang
   c) Java.util

Ans: b

18) Two Dimensional arrays are also called as
   a) Table Arrays
   b) Matrix Arrays
   c) Both a & b
   d) None

Ans: c

19) A Variable P is called pointer if
    a) P contains the address of an element in DATA
    b) P points to the address of first element
    c) P can store only memory addresses
    d) P contain the DATA and the address of DATA

Ans: a

20) Which of the following data structure can't store the non-homogeneous data elements?
    a) Arrays
    b) Records
    c) Pointers
    d) None

Ans: a

21) Which of the following statement is false?
   a) Arrays are dense lists and static data structure
   b) data elements in linked list need not be stored in adjacent space in memory
   c) pointers store the next data element of a list
   d) linked lists are collection of the nodes that contain information part and next pointer

Ans: c

22) When new data are to be inserted into a data structure, but there is no available space, this situation usually called as
   a) Overflow
   b) Underflow
   c) Houseful
   d) Saturated

Ans: a

23) Which of the following name does not relate to stacks
   a) FIFO lists
   b) Piles
   c) LIFO list
   d) all of above

Ans: a

24) The term "push" and "pop" is related to the
a) array
b) Stack
c) lists
d) all of the above

Ans: b


1) Average of Four Numbers Using Streams
2) What is the Min and Max Number in the array



Min Number: 1
Max Number: 10

Program Code: Click Here

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All The Best
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