Sunday 28 December 2014

Tech Mahindra 2014 Previous Papers, Selection Process and Interview Tips

Selection Process:

1) Online Test

2) Technical Interview

3) HR Interview

2014 Online Test/ Written Test Paper:

Instruction for Q. Nos.   1   to   4  : 
From the two options given below each sentence select the one to fill the blank appropriately.

Q.1 Please fill up this _______ and give it back to me.
    a. form
    b. farm
    c. from
    d. fom

Q.2 He is not one to _________ defeat easily.
    a. accept
    b. except
    c. agree
    d. expect

Q.3 Are you ________ that he has been lying to me.
    a. inferring
    b. implying
    c. OK
    d. feeling

Q.4 He is an ________ personality.
    a. imminent
    b. eminent
    c. mortal
    d. Distinguish

Instruction for Q. Nos.   5   to   10  : 
Choose the correct option.

Q.5 Modern architecture has discarded the ________________ trimming on buildings and emphasis's simplicity of line.
   a. gaudy
   b. gaunt
   c. flabbergasting
   d. flamboyant
   e. flagrant

Q.6 His attitude to his boss was __________ and caused a good deal of repulsion.
   a. refulgent  
   b. arrogant
   c. hybrid
   d. sycophantic
   e. aggressive

Q.7 Discontented wives, dejected lovers, frustrated politicians, all these tend to be ______________.
   a. specious
   b. abstemious
   c. euphemistic
   d. persiflagus
   e. querulous

Q.8 The government should provide attractive tax ___________ to create the market of quality goods.
   a. revenues
   b. structures
   c. resources
   d. incentives
   e. controls

Q.9 During the ______________ many buildings were __________ to the ground.
   a. riots, collapsed
   b. disturbances, brought
   c. fire, razed
   d. floods, razed

Q.10 You need _______ shoes for walking in the hills.
   a. good
   b. comfortable
   c. satisfactory
   d. sturdy

English - II
Instruction for Q. Nos.   1   to   5  : 
Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the given word.

   a. Nearly
   b. Complete
   c. Absolution
   d. Absolutely

   a. Ridiculous
   b. Abstruse
   c. Action
   d. Plenty

Q.3 Baneful
   a. generous
   b. kindly
   c. ruinous
   d. severity
   e. superfluous

Q.4 Prowess
   a. understanding
   b. keenness
   c. eagerness
   d. bravery

Q.5 Vituperate
   a. encourage
   b. appraise
   c. abuse
   d. appreciate

Instruction for Q. Nos.   6   to   10  : 
Choose the correct Antonym out of the four given alternatives against each of the following words :

Q.6 Zeal
   a. Disrelish
   b. Coldness
   c. Distaste
   d. Disgust

Q.7 Forgive
   a. Easy
   b. Deform
   c. Punish
   d. Inform

Q.8 Condemn
   a. Ignore
   b. Justify
   c. Induce
   d. Ignore

Q.9 Escape
   a. Dislike
   b. Encounter
   c. Decry
   d. Run

Q.10 Euphoria
   a. strident
   b. lethargy
   c. literary
   d. significant
   e. musical

English - III
Instruction for Q. Nos.   1   to   10  : 
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.

                            That genetic engineering had the potential to turn evolution upside down and inside out was known to be theoretically possible. No one was prepared for it when it actually happened. When last week a British scientist reproduced a sheep from its mother through genetic cloning, the news was received all around the world with near-disbelief. In India too scientists reacted broadly in the manner of their western counterparts. In the Indian Institute of science at Banglore where pioneering work on genetic engineering is under way, a senior scientist and chairman of the microbiology department Dr. K.P. Gopinathan described the cloning of “Dolly”, the British lamb as a fantastic achievement. But he cautioned that ethical questions would have to be convincingly answered before attempts are made to similarly clone human beings. Dr. Gopinathan himself has achieved considerable success in genetic engineering. His team is credited with having cloned the luminescence gene of the firefly onto a silkworm causing it to glow in the dark. His department is also at present working on a method to cultivate in a silkworm the gene that is responsible for the growth of an individual.

Q.1 Genetic cloning
   a. Has been accomplished by scientists
   b. Is yet to be accomplished
   c. Will soon be possible
   d. Will always remain an impossible feat

Q.2 The cloning of “Dolly”, the British lamb, has raised questions that are primarily
   a. Curious
   b. Ethical
   c. Monetary
   d. None of the above

Q.3 Dr. K. P. Gopinathan, Chairperson of the microbiology department
   a. Has condemned the cloning of Dolly
   b. Remained indifferent of the cloning of Dolly
   c. Hailed the cloning of Dolly
   d. Was terrified at the feat of cloning Dolly

Q.4 Dr. K. P. Gopinathan himself
   a. Has achieved considerable success in genetic engineering
   b. Has failed in his research in genetic engineering
   c. Is contemplating research in genetic engineering
   d. None of the above

                         We talk about democracy but when it comes to any particular thing, we prefer a man belonging to our caste or community or religion. So long as we have this kind of temptation it means that our democracy is a phoney kind of democracy. We must be in a position to respect a man as a man and to extend opportunities for development to those who deserve them and not to those people who happen to belong to our community or race. This fact of favouritism and nepotism has been responsible for much discontent and ill will in our own country. If any one asks us why we suffer, we need not point to the stars above or say that God has punished us. We have to put it down to our iniquities, our disloyalties and our deviations from the ideals which we profess. True democrats must not communal prejudices and conflicts.

Q.5 When does our concepts of democracy become phoney?
   a. It becomes phoney when we cease to put our caste or community above the country.
   b. When people stop supporting the government
   c. When we prefer a man belonging to out caste, or religion
   d. None of the above

Q.6 What should we do to make our democracy a reality?
   a. We should favour people of our communities
   b. We should put the interests of the other communities before ours
   c. We should raise, ourselves above the narrow considerations of caste and respect a man as a man
   d. None of the above

Q.7 What factor is responsible for creating ill will in our country?
   a. Favouritism and nepotism is responsible for creating ill will in our country
   b. The filling of ill well in our country is created by the insensitive nature of the people
   c. The feeling of ill will in our country is the result of evil stars
   d. None of the above

Q.8 True democrats must not tolerate
   a. Corruption
   b. Nepotism
   c. Communal prejudices and conflicts
   d. All of the above

                                According to Napoleon, “It is a approved maxim in war never to do what the enemy wishes you to do, for this reason alone that he desires it.” Non-violent resistance acts fully in accordance with Napoleon’s principle. Your violent opponent wants you to fight in the way to which he is accustomed. If you utterly decline, and adopt a method wholly new to him, you have thus gained an immediate tactical advantage. The surprise of non-violent resistance is effective because the opponent is so bound by his violent habits that he is ill prepared to utilize the new tactics himself. The surprise of non-violent resistance, unlike that of war, is not due to deceit or stratagem but simply due to its novelty.

Q.9 The non-violent resister gains an immediate tactical advantage over his enemy because
   a. He does not use the conventional method of war
   b. He does not fight at all
   c. He does not fight in a way his enemy is accustomed to
   d. He does not face the enemy directly

Q.10 The non-violent resistance is effective because
   a. The enemy is not able to use it himself
   b. It is deceitful
   c. It is a good strategy
   d. It hardly encourages the enemy to fight back

Logical & Reasoning

In each of the following series determine the order of the letters. Then from the given options select the one which will complete the given series.

Q.1 E D C H G F K J I N ?
   a. L M
   b. O P
   c. M O
   d. M L

   a. WGX
   b. VHY
   c. UGZ
   d. YHZ

Instruction for Q. No. 3 
In the following questions select the number(s) from the given options for completing the given series.

Q.3 48,?,24,30,12,90
   a. 56
   b. 10
   c. 33
   d. 16

Instruction for Q. No. 4 
In the given series find the number which is wrong.

Q.4 4,8,11,22,18,36,24,50
   a. 8
   b. 22
   c. 36
   d. 24

Instruction for Q. No. 5 
In the questions given below one term is missing. Based on the relationship of the two given words find the missing term from the given options.

Q.5 DUST : BUSY :: JOIN :?
   a. ROIT
   b. SOON
   c. RIOT
   d. COST

Instruction for Q. Nos. 6 to 8 : 
In the following questions, select the number from the given options which follows the same relationship as shared between the first two numbers.

Q.6 8 : 27 :: 64 :?
   a. 277
   b. 125
   c. 250
   d. 99

Q.7 23 : 53 :: 8 :?
   a. 66
   b. 57
   c. 27
   d. 19

Q.8 27 : 47 :: 32 :?
   a. 70
   b. 92
   c. 66
   d. 84

Instruction for Q. No. 9 
Three of the following four in each question are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Select the group of letters that does not belong to that group.

   a. JKkL
   b. OPpQ
   c. DEEF
   d. VWwx

Instruction for Q. No. 10 
In the following questions, which of the following pair of letters is different from the other three?

   a. AE - OL
   b. UI - OE
   c. IO - UE
   d. EA - OU

Instruction for Q. Nos. 11 to 12 : 
In each of the following questions, there are four options. The numbers, in these options, are alike in a certain manner. Only one number does not fit in. Choose the one which is different from the rest.

   a. 24
   b. 90
   c. 54
   d. 36

   a. 18
   b. 12
   c. 30
   d. 20

Instruction for Q. Nos. 13 to 14 : 
In the following questions select the right option which indicates the correct code for the word or letter given in the question.

Q.13 If the word TRAIN is coded as WUDLQ, then how will the word BUS be coded?
   a. EXU
   b. DWU
   c. EXV
   d. VXE

Q.14 Certain words are coded as follows : BEAR-9281, DRUM-0683,PRY-485 AND DOOR-7899.What is the code for 'R'?
   a. 9
   b. 3
   c. 8
   d. 4

Instruction for Q. Nos. 15 to 16 : 
Read the given coded information and choose the correct answer from the given options.

Q.15 If 'orange' is called 'ashen', 'ashen' is called' red', 'red' is called 'blue', 'blue' is called 'brown', 'brown' is called 'black', 'black' is called 'white' and 'white'is called 'pale', what is the colour of a tree trunk?
   a. black
   b. brown
   c. blue
   d. white
   e. red

Q.16 If 'light' is called 'colour', 'colour is called 'red', 'power'is called 'light', 'red'is called 'dust' and 'dust' is called 'waste', what do we get from sun?
   a. colour
   b. light
   c. red
   d. power
   e. dust

Instruction for Q. No. 17 
In the following questions, under-stand the arrangement pattern and then select the right answer from the given options. 

Q.17 Five boys are sitting in a row. Raghu is not adjacent to Shyam or Amit. Ajay is not adjacent to Shyam. Raghu is adjacent to Mayank. If Mayank is at the middle in the row, then Ajay is adjacent to whom out of the following?
   a. Amit
   b. Raghu
   c. Mayank
   d. Shyam
   e. Data Inadequate

Instruction for Q. No. 18 
In the following questions, select the right answer from the given options to depict the correct direction / distance.

Q.18 I was walking in South-East direction. After a while I turned 90 degree to the right and walked ahead.Later I turned 45 degree to the right.In which direction am I walking now?
   a. North
   b. North - East
   c. South - West
   d. East

Instruction for Q. No. 19 
Choose the correct option.

Q.19 If the following words are arranged in natural sequence in descending order, what will come in the second place from the last?
   1. Teacher
   2. Lecturer
   3. Dean
   4. Tutor
   5. Reader
a. Dean
b. Lecturer
c. Tutor
d. Reader
e. Teacher

Instruction for Q. No. 20 
Find out the one word among the options which cannot be formed by using the letters of the word as given in each question.

   a. STEREO
   b. SHOUT
   d. TRESS

Instruction for Q. No. 21 
Find out the one word among the options which can be formed by using the letters of the word as given in each question.

   a. GREEN
   b. LEGAL
   c. BLOAT
   d. INFER

Instruction for Q. Nos. 22 to 26 : 
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.

   (i) A, B, C, D and E are five friends.
   (ii) B is elder to E, but not as tall as C.
   (iii) C is younger to A, and is taller to D and E.
   (iv) A is taller to D, but younger to E.
   (v) D is elder to A but is shortest in the group.

Q.22 If F, another friend is taller than C, how many of them will be between F and E according to their height?
   a. Four
   b. One
   c. Two
   d. Three
   e. None of these

Q.23 If selection is to be made among them who would be relatively older and also taller, who among them should be chosen?
   a. A
   b. E
   c. D
   d. C
   e. None of these

Q.24 Who among the following is the eldest?
   a. C
   b. B
   c. D
   d. A
   e. None of these

Q.25 Which of the following pairs of students is elder to D?
   a. BA
   b. BC
   c. EA
   d. BE
   e. None of these

Q.26 Which of the following statements is correct about B?
  (i) B is not the tallest.
  (ii) B is shorter to E.
  (iii) When they are asked to stand in ascending order with respect to their heights,B is in the middle.
   a. Only (i) is correct
   b. All are correct
   c. All are incorrect
   d. Only (i) and (ii) are correct
   e. None of these

Instruction for Q. Nos. 27 to 31 : 
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.

P is the father of R, but R is not his son.
T is the daughter of R. U is the spouse of P.
Q is the brother of R. S is the son of Q.
V is the spouse of Q. W is the father of V.
Q.27 Who is the Grandmother of S?
   a. W
   b. P
   c. R
   d. U
   e. None of these
(A) 'P + Q' means 'P is the brother of Q'
(B) 'P * Q' means 'P is the father of Q'
(C) 'P / Q' means 'P is the mother of Q'.

Reading the above information answer the questions below :

Q.28 Which of the following would mean 'R' is the son of 'M'?
   a. M + R * S
   b. M * S / R
   c. M / R * S
   d. M * S * R
   e. None of these

Q.29 To arrive at the answer to the above question, which of the statements can be dispensed with?
    a. Only A
    b. B or C
    c. A or B
    d. Only B
    e. None
(A) 'P + Q' means 'P' is the brother of 'Q'.
(B) 'P * Q' means 'P' is the father of 'Q'.
(C) 'P - Q' means 'P' is the sister of 'Q'.

Reading the above information answer the questions below : 

Q.30 Which of the following represents 'S' is the niece of 'T'?
    a. a) T * S + M - K
    b. (b) T + M * S - K
    c. c) K - S * M + T
    d. d) T * M + S - K
    e. e) None of these

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