Wednesday 27 August 2014

What would be the output of the following following Program?

void main( )
               int a[ ] = {1,2,3,4,5};



Answer Option D)
-->for example the base address of the array a is 65516.
-->a, &a are points to the base address of the array and &a[0] is points to the address of first element in the array i.e base address.
So, answer is 65516,65516,65516.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

What is the Output of the following Program?

void main( )
            int x=10;
            int y=11;


Answer Option D)
-->%d and %i are used for integer datatype.
-->%x is used for hexadecimal notaion.
Number ---> HexaDecimal Value
   1        --->          1
   2        --->          2
   3        --->          3
   4        --->          4
   5        --->          5
   6        --->          6
   7        --->          7
   8        --->          8
   9        --->          9
   10      --->          a
   11      --->          b
   12      --->          c
   13      --->          d
   14      --->          e
   15      --->          f

Thursday 21 August 2014

What would be the output of the following Program?

void main( )
           int i;
           i = 999;
           if(i = 5)
                    printf("You are Good");
                    printf("You are Perfect");

A)You are Perfect
B)You are Good
C)an error

Answer Option B)
Because i=5 is true statement
The purpose of the if statement is , if the condition is true then if block executed. Otherwise else block executed.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

C Program for the following Statement


                              Harish's basic salary is input through the keyboard. His dearness allowance  is 40% of basic salary, and house rent allowance is 20% of basic salary. write a program to calculate gross salary.


void main( )
int s,da,hra,gs;
clrscr( ); // Clear the screen contents
printf("\nEnter the Basic Salary:");
printf("\nDearness Allowance %d",da);
printf("\nHouse rent allowance %d",hra);
printf("\nGross Salary is %d",gs);

What is the output of the following Program?

void main( )
            char far *p1, *p2;

D) an error

Answer Option A)

-->A Pointer size is 2 bytes (for 16-bit compiler)
-->The size of far pointer is 4 bytes
-->The size of the huge pointer is 4 bytes
-->the far pointer is 16-bit segment value
-->the huge pointr is 16-bit offset value

Tuesday 19 August 2014

What are the different Storage Classes in C language

Storage Classes:

                   Storage Classes specify the characteristic properties of the memory location where memory is allocated for that variable.

--> C Language Provide four types of storage classes as follows.
1) Auto Storage Class
2) Static Storage Class
3) Extern Storage Class
4) Register Storage Class

1)Auto Storage Class:

--> Here memory is allocated and de-allocated automatically based on scope of the variable.
--> When the control enters to the scope, memory is allocated.
--> When the control runs out of the scope, memory is de-allocated automatically.
--> So, scope of an automatic variable will be only for the block in which it is contained and it's time will be only for the execution of that block/function.

                                       Keyword:  auto

--> When we don't specify any storage class, then by default is auto

2)Static Storage Class:

--> It is useful when we are required to retain the values of variables even after coming out of the function.
--> for the static variables, memory is allocated only once when the program starts the execution and will be de-allocated when execution of the program is complete. 
--> So, scope of a static variable will be only for the function in which it is contained, where as life time will be throughout the execution of the program.

                                     Keyword : static

--> static variable assume a value of  "0"(zero) by default, we can also assign our interested value as required.

3)Extern Storage Class:

--> This is useful when different files in a project are required share/access a common variable.

                                    Keyword: extern

--> Only global variables can be declared as extern variables.

4)Register Storage Class:

--> It is useful when we are required to store the variable specified in a CPU register.

                                      Keyword: register

What is the Output of the following Program

void main( )
            int i=10;


A) 10, 20         
B) 10, 0
C) 10, 10
D) an error

Answer Option C)
Because we can give % i also for interger datatype

Introduction to C Language


                          A language represents set of symbols along with the rules to be followed while using these symbols.
                                                Language = Symbols + Rules

--> The rules are referred as "SYNTAX".
-->A Program represents set of sequence of instructions (or) commands (or) Statements which perform a pre-defined task.
--> A computer can understand only 0's(zero) and 1's(one). So, any symbol what we store in a computer should be converted ti 0's and 1's.
--> But it is not possible to convert a symbol directly to 0's and 1's. So, each and every symbol is given a unique identification, which is a number and is referred as "ASCII"(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) value.
--> All together we have 256 Symbols and so, 256 ASCII values ranging from 0,1,2,-------255.

ASCII Values for A-Z:

A - 65
B - 66
C - 67
D - 68
E - 69
F - 70
G - 71
H - 72
I - 73
J - 74
K - 75
L - 76
M - 77
N - 78
O - 79
P - 80
Q - 81
R - 82
S - 83
T - 84
U - 85
V - 86
W - 87
X - 88
Y - 89
Z - 90

ASCII values for a-z:

a - 97
b - 98
c - 99
d - 100
e - 101
f - 102
g - 103
h - 104
i - 105
j - 106
k - 107
l - 108
m - 109
n - 110
o - 111
p - 112
q - 113
r - 114
s - 115
t - 116
u - 117
v - 118
w - 119
x - 120
y - 121
z - 122

ASCII for for 0-9:

0 - 48
1 - 49
2 - 50
3 - 51
4 - 52
5 - 53
6 - 54
7 - 55
8 - 56
9 - 57