Sunday 16 August 2015

C Language Files Tutorials


--> A file is a defined data type used as data structure. A file is known as a string.

--> Files are used to stored data permanently to the external devices such as floppy disc and also to read data from external storage devices.

Operations on files:

   * Open the file

   * Updating the file

   * Closing the file

File Pointers:

    File pointer in the internal name or logical name given to the file which is opened for specific purpose.


         File *file_pointer_name;

fopen( ):

    This function is used to open a file in the specified mode.


         File file_pointer_name = fopen("file_name", "mode");

File Modes:

         Mode             Symbol

         Read                  "r"

         Write                 "w"

         Append              "a"

         Readwrite          "r+"

         Writeread          "w+"

         Binarywrite        "wb"

         Read                 "rb"

fclose( ):

    This function is used to close the opened file.




    1. Sequential Accessing

    2. Random Accessing

Sequential Accessing Functions:

1) putc( ):

    This function is used to write character by character into the file.


         putc(character, fp);

2) fputc( ):

    This function is used to write character by character into the file.


         fputc(character, fp);

3) getc( ):

    This function is used to read single character from the file.


         character_variable = getc(filepointer);

4) fgetc( ):

    This function is used to read single character from the file.


         character_variable = fgetc(filepointer);

5) feof( ):

    This function is used to indicate end of file. This function returns zero, if the end of file is not reached. This function returns non-zero, if the end of file is reached.



6) fputs( ):

    This function is used to write a string into the file.


         fputs(string, filepointer);

7) fgets( ):

    This function is used to read a string from the file.


         fgets(string, no. characters, filepointer);

8) fprintf( ):

    This function is used to write formatted input into the file.


         fprintf(filepointer, "format specifier", arg1, arg2,...... argn);

9) fscanf( ):

    This function is used to read formatted output from the file.


         fscanf(filepointer, "format specifier", &arg1, &arg2,...... &argn);

10) fwrite( ):

    This function is used to write an entire structure into file.


         fwrite(&structure variable_name, sizeof(structure), n, filepointer);

11) fread( ):

    This function is used to read a structure from the file.


         fread(&structure variable_name, sizeof(structure), n, filepointer);

12) ferror( ):

    This function is used to findout error when file read write operation is carried out.



13) perror( ):

    It is a standard library function which prints the error messeges specified by the compiler.



Randoom Accessing Functions:

1) ftell( ):

    This function is used to indicate the position of the file pointer. This function returns the long integer value.


         ftell(FILE *stream);

2) fseek( ):

    This function is used to move the file pointer either forwards or backwards to the specified number of byte the given position.


         fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int position);

--> Here offset indicates no. of bytes to move from the given position.

--> Here position can take three values

   * 0 indicates beginning of the file

   * 1 current position

   * 2 end of the file

3) rewind( ):

    This function is used to remove the file pointer to the starting position of the file.



Defining and opening a file:-

    If we want to store data in a file in the secondary memory, we must specify certain things about the file to the operating system. They include

      1. Filename

      2. Data structure

      3. Purpose

--> Filename is a string of characters that make up a valid filename for the operating system. It may contain two parts, a primary name and an optional period with the execution.

--> Data structure of a file is defined as FILE in the library of standard Input/output definitions. Therefore, all files should be declared as type FILE before they are used. FILE is a defined data type.

--> When we open a file, we must specify what we want to do with the file.

Declaring a file

         FILE *fp;

         fp = fopen("filename", "mode");

--> The first statement declares the variable fp as a pointer to the data type FILE.

--> The second statement also specifies the purpose of opening this file.

Closing a file:

    After the required operations such as reading, writing or appending operations on a file are done, the file needs to be closed.



The fclose( ) function has one parameter i.e filepointer for a particular file to be closed. If more than one files are to be closed then more than one fclose( ) function can be written with the respective filepointers.


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